


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

What does YNE mean?

I looked up what YNE meant and I came up with an organic compound with a triple bond to carbon.

Having no knowledge of chemistry.
My initial thought was: It's made of people?!

Perhaps this is why the rocket in my dreams was so named, because in my dreams it was the first truly international endevour.

It is time for me to share!

I have had many dreams about project YNE before but none as vivid as this.

Project YNE or Project ONE is a dream that has become more and more vivid. Whether it is true or not I do not know. Whether it will be one day real or not I do not know either. I do know that my dreams are the most vivid in August and September. I believe this is because of the magnetic aggregation done by meteor showers. I have been told repeatedly I must not believe the dreams that I see. They are not real, just imaginary figments. But this one was as vivid as my 2036 prediction! There is now physical evidence that my 2036 prediction may come true! It must be shared, if only to prove that I'm a fanatical nut about my own dreams. ;)

Project YNE will send the best and brightest astronaughts from the entire world to the international space station. Once delivered they will board a powerful rocket. A modern spaceship that will take them in the year 2035 to an asteroid destined to strike earth. There they will attempt to attach a payload device made up of heavy metals to offset the asteroid enough so that it will not strike earth.

In my dream this undertaking was highly televised on international TV.

However, my dream did not focus entirely on Project YNE or the outcomes of which. I felt compelled within my dream to go for a walk away from ILION upon a road that does not exist. It is a road of high traffic with many dangers. In my dreams I have walked down this road many times, past strange occurances in nearby yards and porches. This time the thing that stuck out in my dream was a big white dog with curly fur. It was huge and enjoying a peaceful swing on a two person bench swing.

My dad found me, he was wearing his big red, white and blue striped shirt with wooden buttons. He told me I should come back with him, that the road I was taking was too dangerous. He turned around and walked back the way I had come, across the street the car was parked waiting. I wanted to come, but I knew I had to affect my own change upon the world. I silently watched as he walked away, and then ran forward down the road. I had to go, I had to see it again.

While I was taking my rest, a brief rest behind some curtains for my tired feet I met my spirit guide trudging up the hills and roads the same way I had been. My spirit guide, I've been afraid of in my dreams before. But with age has come understanding, he's not there to hurt me, he's there to protect me and ultimately show me the way.
My spirit guide always takes the form of an old man with a blonde beard usually rough shaven. I always associate my spirit guide with a farmer although he could be anyone.

My spirit guide always wear's a blue work shirt with red stripes across it. He was seeking shelter from the light's rays when he found me. I just moved startling him badly. But I was always welcome to share the shade. When he got up a bit later, I stood up with him and we began to walk the same direction. He talked little, told me he was from ILION, and I told him I was from ILION too.

We walked our road together, we had cars whizzing by every second, and then on the road YNE was in little pieces. Something that stuck out at me was the single white 1 within this particular YNE's black lettering. It was being transported for assembly somewhere.

Then together we reached an intercection I did not rememmber. Up until then I had always traveled down the same path. My spirit guide began to continue on the road going straight across but I had my doubts, I did not remmember this intercection. I had to stop to try and remmember the way. I saw the look on my spirit guide's face, I remmember thinking I have failed at something. The moment my butt hit the ground to try and think the dream ended.